5 Quotes & Sayings By Katie Aselton

Katie Aselton is the founder of Common Threads. She is an educator, consultant, and author. She has spent the past 15 years working in public schools and corporate settings to help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms. Katie is also the co-founder of Perpetual Education Inc Read more

(P.E.I.), a for-profit firm that focuses on professional development for public school leaders in the areas of leadership, technology integration, and data analysis. Katie lives in Maryland with her husband and their two children.

I have respect for anyone who's going to go out and make a movie for a small budget and turn it into a phenomenon. God bless you. Please keep making movies. That's great. But it's not what entertains me. Katie Aselton
Okay, sense of humor: plus one. Being able to laugh at yourself: plus one. Being able to laugh at other people without being mean: plus one. Vanity: minus one. Katie Aselton
It took me a really long time to decide who I want my circle to be and who I want to surround myself with. Once you make that choice, that is where I feel like I have built my strength. This is my life choice. These are the people that make me feel good about me, and that I love and adore and will do anything for. Katie Aselton
I think there are certain tenets set in place for all different types on genres. For thrillers, women usually die first. I can't say exactly why, and it's kind of a bummer... But I also can't explain why the wallflower girl in the romantic comedy always gets the guy in the end. That's just the way those movies go. Katie Aselton